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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Publications Sorted by Type

Articles Published in Refereed Journals
  1. Zhuomin Zhang, Elizabeth C. Mansfield, Jia Li, John Russell, George S. Young, Catherine Adams, Kevin A. Bowley, James Z. Wang, "A Machine Learning Paradigm for Studying Pictorial Realism: How Accurate Are Constable's Clouds?," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 46(1):33-42, 2024.(download) (g-scholar)

  2. Jingxuan Zhang, Jia Li, Lin Lin "Statistical and machine learning methods for immunoprofiling based on single-cell data," Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 19(2):2234792, 16 pages, 2023.(g-scholar)

  3. Lixiang Zhang, Lin Lin, Jia Li, "Multi-view clustering by CPS-merge analysis with application to multimodal single-cell data," PLOS Computational Biology, 19(4):e1011044, 21 pages, 2023.(g-scholar)

  4. Lixiang Zhang and Jia Li, "Robust DNN surrogate models with uncertainty quantification via adversarial training," Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: the ASA Data Science Journal, 16(1):1-10, 2023.(g-scholar)

  5. Zhuomin Zhang, Jia Li, David G. Stork, Elizabeth C. Mansfield, John Russell, Catherine Adams, James Z. Wang, "Reducing bias in AI-based analysis of visual artworks," IEEE BITS Magazine, 2(1):36-48, 2022.(g-scholar)

  6. Beomseok Seo, Lin Lin, Jia Li, "Mixture of linear models co-supervised by deep neural networks," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 31(4):1303-1317, 2022.(g-scholar)

  7. Elizabeth C. Mansfield, with Zhuomin Zhang, Jia Li, John Russell, George S. Young, Catherine Adams, and James Z. Wang, "Techniques of the art historical observer," Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 21(1):126-138, 2022. [invited](download) (g-scholar)

  8. Lin Lin, Wei Shi, Jianbo Ye, Jia Li, "Multi-source single-cell data integration by MAW barycenter for Gaussian mixture models," Biometrics, 79(2):866-877, 2023.(g-scholar)

  9. Jonathan J. Seibert, Steven J. Greybush, Jia Li, Zhuomin Zhang, Fuqing Zhang, "Applications of the geometry-sensitive ensemble mean for lake-effect snowbands and other weather phenomena," Monthly Weather Review, 150(2):409-429, 2022.(g-scholar)

  10. Vincent A. Pisztora, Yanglan Ou, Sharon X. Huang, Francesca Chiaromonte, Jia Li, "Epsilon consistent mixup: structural regularization with an adaptive consistency-interpolation tradeoff," Stat, e425, 13 pages, 2021.(g-scholar)

  11. Jia Li, Lin Lin "Optimal transport with relaxed marginal constraints," IEEE Access, 9:58142-58160, 2021.(download) (g-scholar)

  12. Beomseok Seo, Lin Lin, Jia Li, "Block-wise variable selection for clustering via latent states of mixture models," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 31(1):138-150, 2021.(g-scholar)

  13. Lixiang Zhang, Lin Lin, Jia Li, "VtNet: a neural network with variable importance assessment," Stat, 10(1):e325, 12 pages, 2021.(download) (g-scholar)

  14. Lei Yang, Jia Li, Defeng Sun, and Kim-Chuan Toh, "A Fast globally linearly convergent algorithm for the computation of Wasserstein barycenters," Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(21):1-37, 2021.(download) (g-scholar)

  15. Lixiang Zhang, Lin Lin, Jia Li, "CPS analysis: self-contained validation of biomedical data clustering," Bioinformatics, 36(11):3516-3521, 2020.(download) (g-scholar)

  16. Xinye Zheng, Jianbo Ye, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "SCOTT: Shape-Location Combined Tracking with Optimal Transport," SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS), 2(2):284-308, 2020.(download) (g-scholar)

  17. Yu Luo, Jianbo Ye, Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Jia Li, Michelle G. Newman and James Z. Wang, "ARBEE: Towards Automated Recognition of Bodily Expression of Emotion In the Wild," International Journal of Computer Vision, 128(2):1-25, 2020. [A version was posted in August 2018 at].(download) (g-scholar)

  18. Jia Li, Beomseok Seo, Lin Lin "Optimal Transport, Mean Partition, and Uncertainty Assessment in Cluster Analysis," Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 12(5):359-377, 2019.(download) (g-scholar)

  19. Yukun Chen, Jianbo Ye, Jia Li, "Aggregated Wasserstein Distance and State Registration for Hidden Markov Models," IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 42(9):2133-2147, 2020.(download) (g-scholar)

  20. Xinye Zheng, Jianbo Ye, Yukun Chen, Stephen Wistar, Jia Li, Jose A. Piedra-Fernandez, Michael A. Steinberg, and James Z. Wang, "Detecting comma-shaped clouds for severe weather forecasting using shape and motion," IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(6):3788-3801, 2019.(download) (g-scholar)

  21. Jianbo Ye, Jia Li, Michelle G. Newman, Reginald B. Adams, Jr., James Z. Wang, "Probabilistic multigraph modeling for improving the quality of crowdsourced affective data," IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 19(1):115-128, 2019.(download) (g-scholar)

  22. Jia Li and Fuqing Zhang, "Geometry-sensitive ensemble mean based on Wasserstein barycenters: proof-of-concept on cloud simulations," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27(4):785-797, 2018.(download) (g-scholar)

  23. Hanjoo Kim, Xin Lu, Michael Costa, Baris Kandemir, Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Jia Li, James Z. Wang, and Michelle G. Newman, "Development and validation of image stimuli for emotion elicitation (ISEE): a novel affective pictorial system with test-retest repeatability," Psychiatry Research, 261:414-420, Elsevier, 2018.(download) (g-scholar)

  24. Lin Lin and Jia Li, "Clustering with hidden Markov model on variable blocks," Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(110):1-49, 2017.(download) (g-scholar)

  25. Jia Li and Lin Lin, "Baum-Welch algorithm on directed acyclic graph for mixtures with latent Bayesian networks," Stat, 6(1):303-314, 2017.(download) (g-scholar)

  26. Jianbo Ye, Panruo Wu, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "Fast discrete distribution clustering using Wasserstein Barycenter with sparse support," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(9):2317-2332, 2017.(download) (g-scholar)

  27. Yu Zhang, Stephen Wistar, Jia Li, Michael A. Steinberg, James Z. Wang, "Severe thunderstorm detection by visual learning using satellite images," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(2):1039-52, 2017.(download) (g-scholar)

  28. Mu Qiao, Jia Li, "Distance-based mixture modeling for classification via hypothetical local mapping," Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 9(1):43-57, 2016.(download) (g-scholar)

  29. Yu Zhang, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "Parallel massive clustering of discrete distributions," ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 11(4):1-24, 2015.(download) (g-scholar)

  30. Neela Sawant, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "Enhancing training collections for image annotation: an instance-weighted mixture modeling approach," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(9):3562-3577, 2013.(download) (g-scholar)

  31. G. Fu, W. Bo, X. Pang, Z. Wang,, I. Chen, Y. Song, Z. Zhang, Jia Li, R. Wu, "Mapping shape quantitative trait loci using a radius-centroid-contour model," Heredity, 110:511-519, 2013.(g-scholar)

  32. Hyangmin Lee, Jia Li, "Variable selection for clustering by separability based on ridgelines," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 21(2):315-337, 2012.(download) (g-scholar)

  33. Jia Li, Lei Yao, Ella Hendriks, and James Z. Wang, "Rhythmic brushstrokes distinguish van Gogh from his contemporaries: findings via automated brushstroke extraction," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(6):1159-1176, 2012.(download) (g-scholar)

  34. Lei Yao, Poonam Suryanarayan, Mu Qiao, James Z. Wang, and Jia Li, "OSCAR: On-site composition and aesthetics feedback through exemplars for photographers," International Journal of Computer Vision, 96(3):353-383, 2012.(download) (g-scholar)

  35. Dhiraj Joshi, Ritendra Datta, Quang-Tuan Luong, Elena Fedorovskaya, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, and Jiebo Luo, "Aesthetics and emotions in images: a computational perspective," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 28(5):94-115, September 2011.(download) (g-scholar)

  36. Jia Li, "Agglomerative connectivity constrained clustering for image segmentation," Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 4(1):84-99, 2011.(download) (g-scholar)

  37. Neela Sawant, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Understanding image context and semantics through social action and annotation: a survey," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue on Survey Papers in Multimedia by World Experts, 51(1):213-246, 2011.(download) (g-scholar)

  38. Mu Qiao, Jia Li, "Two-way Gaussian mixture models for high dimensional classification," Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 3(4):259-271, 2010.(download) (g-scholar)

  39. Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Exploiting the human-machine gap in image recognition for designing CAPTCHAs," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 4(3):504-518, 2009.(download) (g-scholar)

  40. Jia Li, Andrew W. Moore, "Forecasting Web page views: methods and observations," Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9(10):2217-2250, 2008.(download) (g-scholar)

  41. C. Richard Johnson, Jr., Ella Hendriks, Igor Berezhnoy, Eugene Brevdo, Shannon Hughes, Ingrid Daubechies, Jia Li, Eric Postma, James Z. Wang, "Image processing for artist identification - Brushwork in the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 205(4):37-48, 2008.(download) (g-scholar)

  42. Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Real-time computerized annotation of pictures," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(6):985-1002, 2008.(download) (g-scholar)

  43. Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Image retrieval: ideas, influences, and trends of the new age," ACM Computing Surveys, 40(2):1-60, 2008.(download) (g-scholar)

  44. Jia Li, Surajit Ray, Bruce G. Lindsay, "A nonparametric statistical approach to clustering via mode identification," Journal of Machine Learning Research, 8(8):1687-1723, 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  45. Ritendra Datta, Weina Ge, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Toward bridging the annotation-retrieval gap in image search," IEEE MultiMedia, 14(3):24-35, 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  46. Jia Li, Hongyuan Zha, "Two-way Poisson mixture models for simultaneous document classification and word clustering," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50(1):163-180, 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  47. Dhiraj Joshi, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "The story picturing engine: a system for automatic text illustration," ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2(1):68-89, 2006(download) (g-scholar)

  48. Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "A computationally efficient approach to the estimation of two- and three-dimensional hidden Markov models," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(7):1871-1886, 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  49. Jia Li, "Clustering based on a multi-layer mixture model," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14(3):547-568, 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  50. James Z. Wang, Kurt Grieb, Ya Zhang, Ching-chih Chen, Yixin Chen, Jia Li, "Machine annotation and retrieval for digital imagery of historical materials," International Journal on Digital Libraries, Special Issue on Multimedia Contents and Management in Digital Libraries, 6(1):18-29, 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  51. Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Studying digital imagery of ancient paintings by mixtures of stochastic models," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 12(3):340-353, 2004.(download) (g-scholar)

  52. D. Kolbe, J. Taylor, L. Elnitski, P. Eswara, Jia Li, W. Miller, R. Hardison, F. Chiaromonte, "Regulatory potential scores from genome-wide 3-way alignments of human, mouse and rat," Genome Research, 14(4): 700-707, 2004.(download) (g-scholar)

  53. Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Automatic linguistic indexing of pictures by a statistical modeling approach," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 25(9):1075-1088, 2003.(download) (g-scholar)

  54. Jia Li, Webb Miller, "Significance of inter-species matches when evolutionary rate varies," Journal of Computational Biology, 10(3-4):537-554, 2003.(download) (g-scholar)

  55. L. Elnitski, R.C. Hardison, Jia Li, S. Yang, D. Kolbe, P. Eswara, M.J. O'Connor, S. Schwartz, W. Miller, F. Chiaromonte, "Distinguishing regulatory DNA from neutral sites," Genome Research, 13(1):64-72, 2003.(download) (g-scholar)

  56. R.C. Hardison, K.M. Roskin, S. Yang, M. Diekhans, J.W. Kent, R. Weber, L. Elnitski, Jia Li, M. O'Connor, D. Kolbe, S. Schwartz, T.S. Furey, S. Whelan, N. Goldman, A. Smit, W. Miller, F. Chiaromonte, D. Haussler, "Covariation in frequencies of substitution, deletion, transposition and recombination during eutherian evolution," Genome Research, 13(1):13-26, 2003.(download) (g-scholar)

  57. With R. Waterston, K. Lindblad-Toh, et al., "Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome," Nature, 420:520-562, 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  58. Robert M. Gray, Tamas Linder, Jia Li, "A lagrangian formulation of Zador's entropy-constrained quantization theorem," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 48(3):695-707, 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  59. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, "SIMPLIcity: Semantics-sensitive integrated matching for picture libraries," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 23(9):947-963, 2001. (download) (g-scholar)

  60. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, Gio Wiederhold, "Unsupervised multiresolution segmentation for images with low depth of field," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 23(1):85-90, 2001.(download) (g-scholar)

  61. Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, "Context-based multiscale classification of document images using wavelet coefficient distributions," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 9(9):1604-16, 2000.(download) (g-scholar)

  62. Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, Richard A. Olshen, "Multiresolution image classification by hierarchical modeling with two dimensional hidden Markov models," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46(5):1826-41, 2000.(download) (g-scholar)

  63. Jia Li, Amir Najmi, Robert M. Gray, "Image classification by a two dimensional hidden Markov model," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 48(2):517-33, 2000.(download) (g-scholar)

  64. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Desmond Chan, Gio Wiederhold, "Semantics-sensitive retrieval for digital picture libraries," D-LIB Magazine, 5(11), DOI: 10.1045/november99-wang, CNRI, November 1999. (invited)(download) (g-scholar)

  65. Jia Li, Navin Chaddha, Robert M. Gray, "Asymptotic performance of vector quantizers with a perceptual distortion measure," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 45(4):1082-91, 1999.(download) (g-scholar)

  66. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firschein, "System for screening objectionable images," Computer Communications, 21(15):1355-60, 1998.(download) (g-scholar)

  67. S. M. Perlmutter, P. C. Cosman, R. M. Gray, R. A. Olshen, D. Ikeda, C. N. Adams, B.J. Betts, M. Williams, K. O. Perlmutter, Jia Li, A. Aiyer, L. Fajardo, R. Birdwell, B. L. Daniel, "Image quality in lossy compressed digital mammograms," Signal Processing, Special Issue on Medical Image Compression, 59(2):189-210, 1997. (download) (g-scholar)

Refereed Conference Proceedings

       Note: Papers in conferences that are not refereed or marginally refereed appear under 'Other Publications'.
  1. Vincent Pisztora, Jia Li, "Learning Performance Maximizing Ensembles with Explainability Guarantees," Proc. Annual AAAI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, 9 pp., Vancouver, Canada, Feb 2024.(g-scholar)

  2. Yanglan Ou, Yuan Xue, Ye Yuan, Tao Xu, Vincent Pisztora, Jia Li, Xiaolei Huang, "Semi-supervised cervical dysplasia classification with learnable graph convolutional network," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 5 pp., Iowa City, Iowa, April 2020.(g-scholar)

  3. Xin Lu, Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Jia Li, Michelle G. Newman and James Z. Wang, "An investigation into three visual characteristics of complex scenes that evoke human emotion," Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, pp.-, San Antonio, Texas, October 2017.(g-scholar)

  4. Jianbo Ye, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "A Simulated Annealing Based Inexact Oracle for Wasserstein Loss Minimization," Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 12 pp., Sydney, Australia, August 2017.(g-scholar)

  5. Jianbo Ye, Yanran Li, Zhaohui Wu, James Z. Wang, Wenjie Li, Jia Li, "Determining gains acquired from word embedding quantitatively using discrete distribution clustering," Proc. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 11 pp., Vancouver, Canada, July-August 2017.(g-scholar)

  6. Yukun Chen, Jianbo Ye, Jia Li, "A distance for HMMs based on aggregated Wasserstein metric and state registration," Proc. European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV), 16 pp., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2016.(g-scholar)

  7. Zihan Zhou, Siqiong He, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Modeling perspective effects in photographic composition," Proceeding of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 301-310, Brisbane, Australia, October 2015.(download) (g-scholar)

  8. Hanjoo Kim, Xin Lu, Michael Costa, Baris Kandemir, Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Jia Li, James Z. Wang, Michelle G. Newman, "Development and validation of the image stimuli for emotion elicitation (ISEE)," Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, poster, New York City, May 2015.(download) (g-scholar)

  9. Jianbo Ye, Jia Li, "Scaling up discrete distribution clustering using ADMM," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 5267-71, Paris, France, October 2014.(g-scholar)

  10. Yu Zhang, Stephen Wistar, Jose A. Piedra-Fernandez, Jia Li, Michael A. Steinberg and James Z. Wang, "Locating visual storm signatures from satellite images," Proceedings of the IEEE Big Data Conference, pp.-, Washington D.C., October 2014.(download) (g-scholar)

  11. Xin Lu, Poonam Suryanarayan, Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Jia Li, Michelle G. Newman, and James Z. Wang, "On shape and the computability of emotions," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, 10 pages, Nara, Japan, ACM, October 2012.(download) (g-scholar)

  12. Xin Yan, Mu Qiao, Timothy W. Simpson, Jia Li, Xiaolong Luke Zhang, "LIVE: A work-centered approach to support visual analytics of multi-dimensional engineering design data with interactive visualization and data mining," Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Washington DC, August 2011.(g-scholar)

  13. Neela Sawant, Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Quest for relevant tags using local interaction networks and visual content," Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, Special Session on Statistical Modeling and Learning for Multimedia, 10 pages, 2010.(download) (g-scholar)

  14. Lei Yao, Jia Li, James Z. Wang "Characterizing elegance of curves computationally for distinguishing Morrisseau paintings and the imitations," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Special Session on Cultural and Heritage, 4 pp., Egypt, Nov 2009.(g-scholar)

  15. Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, James Z. Wang "Algorithmic inferencing of aesthetics and emotion in natural images: an exposition," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Special Session on Image Aesthetics, Mood and Emotion, 4 pp., San Diego, California, October 2008.(g-scholar)

  16. Yang Song, Ziming Zhuang, Huajing Li, Qiankun Zhao, Jia Li, Wang-chien Lee, C. Lee Giles, "Real-time automatic tag recommendation," Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development on Information Retrieval, 8 pp., Singapore, July 2008.(g-scholar)

  17. Jian Huang, Ziming Zhuang, Jia Li, C. Lee Giles, "Collaboration over time: characterizing and modeling network evolution," Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 10 pp., ACM, Palo Alto, California, February 2008.(g-scholar)

  18. Ai Gomi, Reiko Miyazaki, Takayuki Itoh, Jia Li, "CAT: A hierarchical image browser using a rectangle packing technique," Proceeding of International Conference Information Visualization, 6 pp., London, UK, July 2008.(download) (g-scholar)

  19. Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li and James Z. Wang "Tagging over time: real-world image annotation by lightweight meta-learning," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 393-402, ACM, Augsburg, Germany, September 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  20. Ritendra Datta, Jia Li and James Z. Wang "Learning the consensus on visual quality for next-generation image management," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 533-536, ACM, Augsburg, Germany, September 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  21. Yang Song, Jian Huang, Isaac G. Council, Jia Li and C. Lee Giles, "Efficient topic-based unsupervised name disambiguation," Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 10 pp., Vancouver, Canada, June 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  22. Yang Song, Jian Huang, Isaac G. Council, Jia Li and C. Lee Giles "Generative models for name disambiguation," Proceedings of the International Conference on World Wide Web, 2 pp., ACM, New York, NY, May 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  23. Ai Gomi, Takayuki Itoh, Jia Li, "CAT: A hierarchical image browser using a rectangle packing technique," Proceeding of IEEE InfoVis Conference, 2 pp., Sacramento, CA, November 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  24. Ding Zhou, Levent Bolelli, Jia Li, Lee Giles, Hongyuan Zha "Learning user clicks in Web search," Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pp. 1162-1167, Hyderabad, India, January 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  25. Jia Li, James Z. Wang "Real-time computerized annotation of pictures," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 911-920, ACM, Santa Barbara, CA, October 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  26. Ritendra Datta, Weina Ge, Jia Li, James Z. Wang "Toward bridging the annotation-retrieval gap in image search by a generative modeling approach," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 977-986, ACM, Santa Barbara, CA, October 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  27. Dhiraj Joshi, Ritendra Datta, Ziming Zhuang, WP Weiss, Marc Friedenberg, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "PARAgrab: A Comprehensive Architecture for Web Image Management and Multimodal Querying," Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Demonstration, pp. 1163-1166, Seoul, Korea, September 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  28. Ding Zhou, Eren Manavoglu, Jia Li, C. Lee Giles, Hongyuan Zha, "Probabilistic models for discovering E-communities," Proceeding of the International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), pp. 173-182, Edinburgh, May 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  29. Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Studying aesthetics in photographic images using a computational approach," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3953, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, Part III, pp. 288-301, Graz, Austria, May 2006.(download) (g-scholar)

  30. Jia Li, "Two-scale image retrieval with significant meta-information feedback," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 499-502, Singapore, November 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  31. Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, James Z. Wang "IMAGINATION: A robust image-based CAPTCHA generation system," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 331-334, Singapore, November 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  32. Ding Zhou, Jia Li, Hongyuan Zha, "A new Mallows distance based metric for comparing clusterings," Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp. 1028-1035, Bonn, Germany, August 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  33. Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Parameter estimation of multi-dimensional hidden Markov models - a scalable approach," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 149-152, Genova, Italy, September 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  34. Jia Li, Dhiraj Joshi, James Z. Wang, "Stochastic modeling of volume images with a 3-D hidden Markov model," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2359-2362, Singapore, October 2004.(download) (g-scholar)

  35. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Sui Ching Lin, "Evaluation strategies for automatic linguistic indexing of pictures," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 617-620, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003.(download) (g-scholar)

  36. Jia Li, Hongyuan Zha, "Simultaneous classification and feature clustering using discriminant vector quantization with applications to microarray data analysis," Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference (CSB), pp. 246-255, Stanford, CA, IEEE, August 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  37. Jia Li, "A source coding approach to classification by vector quantization and the principle of minimum description length," Data Compression Conference (DCC), IEEE, pp. 382-391, Snowbird, Utah, April 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  38. Jia Li, Webb Miller, "Significance of inter-species matches when evolutionary rate varies," Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), ACM, pp. 216-224, Washington D.C., April 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  39. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "Learning-based linguistic indexing of pictures with 2-D MHMMs," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 436-445, Juan Les Pins, France, December 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  40. Yixin Chen, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "FIRM: Fuzzily Integrated Region Matching for content-based image retrieval," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 543-545, Ottawa, ACM, September 2001. (download) (g-scholar)

  41. Robert M. Gray, Jia Li, "On Zador's entropy-constrained quantization theorem," Data Compression Conference (DCC), pp. 3-12, Snowbird, Utah, March 2001.(download) (g-scholar)

  42. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, "SIMPLIcity: Semantics-sensitive integrated matching for picture libraries," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Special issue on advances in visual information systems, Robert Laurini (ed.), vol. 1929, pp. 360-371, Springer-Verlag, November 2000.(download) (g-scholar)

  43. Jia Li, James Z. Wang, Gio Wiederhold, "IRM: Integrated region matching for image retrieval," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 147-156, Los Angeles, October 2000.(download) (g-scholar)

  44. Jia Li, James Z. Wang, Gio Wiederhold, "Classification of textured and non-textured images using region segmentation," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 754-757, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 2000.(download) (g-scholar)

  45. Jia Li, James Z. Wang, Robert M.Gray, Gio Wiederhold, "Multiresolution object-of-interest detection of images with low depth of field," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), pp. 32-37, Venice, Italy, 1999.(download) (g-scholar)

  46. Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, "Image classification based on a multiresolution two dimensional hidden Markov model," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 348-352, Kobe, Japan, October 1999.(download) (g-scholar)

  47. Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, Richard A. Olshen, "Joint image compression and classification with vector quantization and a two dimensional hidden Markov model," Data Compression Conference (DCC), pp. 23-32, Snowbird, Utah, March 1999.(download) (g-scholar)

  48. Jia Li, Amir Najmi, Robert M. Gray, "Image classification by a two dimensional hidden Markov model," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 6:3313-3316, Phoenix, Arizona, March 1999.(download) (g-scholar)

  49. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firschein, "System for classifying objectionable websites," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Special issue on interactive distributed multimedia systems and telecommunication services, Thomas Plagemann and Vera Goebel (eds.), vol. 1483, pp. 113-124, Springer-Verlag, September 1998.(download) (g-scholar)

  50. Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, "Context based multiscale classification of images," Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 3, pp. 566-70, Chicago, October 1998.(download) (g-scholar)

  51. Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, "Text and picture segmentation by the distribution analysis of wavelet coefficients," Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 3, pp. 790-794, Chicago, October 1998.(download) (g-scholar)

  52. Jia Li, Navin Chaddha, Robert M. Gray, "Asymptotic performance of vector quantizers with a perceptual distortion measure,(extended abstract)," Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 55, Ulm, Germany, July 1997.(download) (g-scholar)

  53. Jia Li, Navin Chaddha, Robert M. Gray, "Multiresolution tree structured vector quantization," Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, no. 2, pp. 922-925, Asilomar, California, November 1996.(download) (g-scholar)

Refereed Workshop Proceedings

       Note: Papers in conferences that are not refereed or marginally refereed appear under 'Other Publications'.
  1. Baris Kandemir, Zihan Zhou, Jia Li and James Z. Wang, "Beyond saliency: assessing visual balance with high-level cues," Proceedings of the Engagement Workshop, in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp.-, Mountain View, California, October 2017.(g-scholar)

  2. Xin Lu, Neela Sawant, Michelle Newman, Reginald B. Adams, Jr., James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "Identifying emotions aroused from paintings," Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Visual Analysis of Sketches, in conjunction with the European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. -, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2016.(g-scholar)

  3. Jia Li, Shih-Fu Chang, Michael Lesk, Rainer Lienhart, Jiebo Luo, Arnold Smeulders "New challenges in multimedia research for the increasingly connected and fast growing digital society," Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, pp. 3-10, ACM, Augsburg, Germany, September 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  4. Ding Zhou, Hongyuan Zha, Jia Li, Huajing Li, Wang-chien Lee, C. Lee Giles, "Learning to rank social network actors," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Workshop on Optimization-based Data Mining Techniques with Applications, 6 pp., Omaha, Nebraska, October 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  5. Shuyi Zheng, Ding Zhou, Jia Li, C. Lee Giles, "Extracting author meta-data from Web using visual features," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Workshop on Data Mining in Web 2.0 Environments, pp. 33-40, Omaha, Nebraska, October 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  6. Jia Li, "A mutual semantic endorsement approach to image retrieval and context provision," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, ACM, pp. 173-182, Singapore, November 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  7. Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, James Z. Wang "Content-based image retrieval - approaches and trends of the new age," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, ACM, pp. 253-262, Singapore, November 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  8. Ashish Parulekar, Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, "Large-scale satellite image browsing using automatic semantic categorization and content-based retrieval," Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Knowledge in Computer Vision, in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 1873-1880, Beijing, China, October 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  9. Xiaonan Lu, Jia Li, James Z. Wang "Learning representative objects from images using quadratic optimization," Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence, invited for a special session, pp. 730-737, Tozeur, Tunisia, November 2005.(download) (g-scholar)

  10. Dhiraj Joshi, James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "The story picturing engine: finding elite images to illustrate a story using mutual reinforcement," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, ACM, pp. 119-126, New York, 2004.(download) (g-scholar)

  11. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Ching-chih Chen, "Machine annotation for digital imagery of historical materials using the ALIP system," Proceedings of the DELOS-NSF Workshop on Multimedia in Digital Libraries, 5 pages, Crete, Greece, June 2003.(download) (g-scholar)

  12. Jia Li, Hongyuan Zha "Pattern discovery in data hypercubes," Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining, pp. 228-231, Baltimore, MD, November 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  13. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, "Mining digital imagery for automatic linguistic indexing of pictures," Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining, pp. 69-76, Baltimore, MD, November 2002.(download) (g-scholar)

  14. James Z. Wang, Jia Li, Ching-chih Chen, "Interdisciplinary research to advance digital imagery indexing and retrieval technologies for Asian art and cultural heritages," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, ACM, 6 pages, Juan Les Pins, France, December 2002. (download) (g-scholar)

  15. B. J. Betts, A. Aiyer, Jia Li, R. M. Gray, R. A. Olshen, D. Ikeda, R. Birdwell, "Management and lesion detection effects of lossy image compression on digitized mammograms," Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Digital Mammography, 8 pages, 1998.(download) (g-scholar)

  16. C. N. Adams, A. Aiyer, B.J. Betts, Jia Li, P. C. Cosman, S. M. Perlmutter, K. O. Perlmutter, D. Ikeda, L. Fajardo, R. Birdwell, B. L. Daniel, S. Rossiter, R. A. Olshen, and R. M. Gray, "Evaluating quality and utility of digital mammograms and lossy compressed digital mammograms," Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Digital Mammography, pp. 169-176, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997.(download) (g-scholar)

  1. James Z. Wang, Nozha Boujemaa, Alberto Del Bimbo and Jia Li (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 330 pages, Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany, ACM, September 2007.(download) (g-scholar)

  2. Yixin Chen, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, Machine Learning and Statistical Modeling Approaches to Image Retrieval (monograph), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 200 pages, 2004.(download) (g-scholar)

  3. Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, Image Segmentation and Compression Using Hidden Markov Models (monograph), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 140 pages, 2000.(download) (g-scholar)

Parts of Books
  1. Jia Li, "Balance of unity and variety in fine art paintings: a computational study," Modeling Visual Aesthetics, Emotion, and Artistic Style, James Z. Wang and Reginald Adams, Jr. (editors), Springer, Chapter , pp. -, 18 pages, 2023.(g-scholar)

  2. Baris Kandemir, Hanjoo Kim, Michelle G. Newman, Reginald B. Adams, Jia Li, James Z. Wang "Demographic differences and biases in affect evoked by visual features," Modeling Visual Aesthetics, Emotion, and Artistic Style, James Z. Wang and Reginald Adams, Jr. (editors), Springer, Chapter , pp. -, 15 pages, 2023.(g-scholar)

  3. Jia Li and Vincent A. Pisztora, "Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning," Computational Statistics in Data Science, Eds., W. W. Piegorsch, R. A. Levine, H. H. Zhang, T. C. M. Lee, 21 pages, Wiley, 2022.(download) (g-scholar)

  4. James Z. Wang, Baris Kandemir, Jia Li, "Computerized Analysis of Paintings," The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, Kathryn Brown (editor), Routledge, Chapter 22, pp. -, 16 pages, 2020.(download) (g-scholar)

  5. Jia Li, Lei Yao, James Z. Wang, "Photo composition feedback and enhancement---Exploiting spatial design categories and the notan dark-light principle," Mobile and Cloud Visual Media Computing, G. Hua and X.-S. Hua (eds.), Springer-verlag, Chapter 5, pp. 113-144, 2015.(download) (g-scholar)

  6. Dhiraj Joshi, Ritendra Datta, Elena Fedorovskaya, Xin Lu, Quang-Tuan Luong, James Z. Wang, Jia Li and Jiebo Luo, "On aesthetics and emotions in scene images: a computational perspective," Scene Vision, K. Kveraga and M. Bar (eds.), MIT Press, February 2014.(download) (g-scholar)

  7. James Z. Wang, Gio Wiederhold, Jia Li, "Wavelet-based progressive transmission and security filtering for medical image distribution," Medical Image Databases, S. Wong (ed.), Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Secs 465, pp. 303-324 (Chapter 12), Kluwer, 1998.(download) (g-scholar)

Manuscripts Accepted for Publication
Other Publications
  1. Jia Li, "Advancing science and technology with big data analytics," Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, Editorial, 11(5), 2018.(download) (g-scholar)

  2. Jia Li, "NSF funding opportunities of the CDS&E-MSS program," AMSTATNEWS, October, 2012.(download) (g-scholar)

  3. Jia Li, "Image Classification and Compression Based on a Two Dimensional Multiresolution Hidden Markov Model," Stanford University Ph.D Dissertation, California, June 1999.(download) (g-scholar)

J. Li's Research Group. Access Counter (after 1/1/1997):