A novel way to harvest stem cells intrigues and inflames
Donors remain unaware they do not own their cells
Six debates at the frontier of science
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When the brain's mirror neuron system malfunctions, perhaps lack of empathy and other characteristics of autism are the result

Between the big bang and the formation of the first stars, the cosmos was utterly lightless. But astronomers can finally start peering into the darkness
Seeing with Superconductors
Sensors made of superconducting material can detect individual photons and have applications ranging from antiterrorism to astronomy
Web-only sidebar: Two Applications of Superconducting Detectors

Sensors made of superconducting material can detect individual photons and have applications ranging from antiterrorism to astronomy
Web-only sidebar: Two Applications of Superconducting Detectors
Mirrors in the Mind
Mirror neurons, a special class of cells in the brain, may mediate our ability to mimic, learn and understand the actions and intentions of others

Mirror neurons, a special class of cells in the brain, may mediate our ability to mimic, learn and understand the actions and intentions of others
Reviving Dead Zones
Around the world, nutrients in runoff are turning coastal sea areas into oxygen-deprived dead zones hostile to life. But the example of the Black Sea shows these regions can be saved

Around the world, nutrients in runoff are turning coastal sea areas into oxygen-deprived dead zones hostile to life. But the example of the Black Sea shows these regions can be saved
The Origin of the Greek Constellations
Was the Great Bear constellation named before hunter nomads first reached the Americas more than 13,000 years ago?

Was the Great Bear constellation named before hunter nomads first reached the Americas more than 13,000 years ago?
Malware Goes Mobile
Consumers, phone makers and security companies must move quickly to quash the threat of new viruses targeting mobile devices

Consumers, phone makers and security companies must move quickly to quash the threat of new viruses targeting mobile devices

What Floyd Landis has in common with ocean sediment

Polymer splits light for true color in displays

The first U.S. project for carbon dioxide burial gives mixed results

Drilling in Greenland to prepare for Mars

Research into hallucinogens cautiously resumes
Wrong. Wronger. Wrongest.

The sticky problem of paper recycling
Smell like a scientist
The evidence proves that higher taxes and social "safety nets" do not necessarily hurt market economies
To better understand the nature of economic growth, study how species adapt and evolve