(If we pick yours, we'll have you ask the question yourself on the Science Talk podcast)
November 06, 2006: 60-Second Science
Computers Get the Picture
systems for labeling photos should save digital image uploaders a lot
of time, and cause many more pictures to be found during web image
November 01, 2006: Science Talk
Shocking Research: Electroshock Therapy and Stem Cells
this episode, journalist Larry Tye talks about his new book, SHOCK,
written with electroshock patient Kitty Dukakis, wife of former
governor and presidential candidate Michael Dukakis. Following Tye,
Charles Welch, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital
electroconvulsive therapy program, discusses the treatments knowns and
unknowns. Then Scientific American editor Christine Soares shares some
insights about an unusual stem cell research conference held last week
in New York City. Plus we'll test your knowledge of some recent science
in the news. Websites mentioned on this episode include
www.egrandslam.com; www.sciam.com/news; blog.sciam.com.
October 25, 2006: Science Talk
The Making of the Fittest: A Conversation with Evolutionary Biologist Sean Carroll
this episode, evolutionary biologist Sean Carroll talks about his new
book, "The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record
of Evolution." Even without fossils or comparative anatomy, vast
amounts of evidence for evolution and its mechanisms exist in the
genomes of the organisms alive today. Carroll discusses immortal genes,
fossil genes and repetition in evolution, as well as environmental
issues in light of evolutionary understanding. Plus we'll test your
knowledge of some recent science in the news. Websites mentioned on
this episode include www.seanbcarroll.com; www.egrandslam.com;
www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/babies; www.sciam.com/news; www.sciam.com/podcast